Promoting the Breton language in the computer world
18 years old, still alive and kicking :)
Our non-profit organization was born in 2003 with the aim of promoting the use of the Breton language in the new technologies area, personal computers, PDAs, mobile phones, ATM...
Three main areas in this promotion:
- The design and implementation of a spell and syntax checker for the Breton language: "An Drouizig Difazier". Its maintenance, its port and its promotion are also ensured by the organization.
- Translation into Breton of software that it is possible to "localize" (often under free licenses). Ideally multi-platform software (Windows, GNU / Linux MacOS X. ..), but not only.
- The provision and improvement of language support and / or software in Breton. This category includes a variety of activities:
- Writing lexicons to make available computer jargon in Breton. Including a glossary of terms used in the software.
- Writing tutorials in Breton to learn how to use our localized software.
- Finishing and porting Gaelic and Celtic fonts to 16bit Unicode format.
- The design and selling of a C'HWERTY keyboard dedicated to Breton (sold today) ...
Our experience in software translation, since 2003, enables now products like Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, LibreOffice, Gimp or Inkscape to be available in our language and gives to the end-user a coherent whole. Technical jargon is not going to be relearned from one application to another for software translated by An Drouizig. This makes an effective way to have a digital life in Breton.
The organization maintains web pages to advertize its works but also provides web pages for others making business in the same area.
We also offer conferences in French to present our organization, its activities, our choices ...
Completed tasks, still open projects, future activities...
Beside our main activities, some projects have already come to an end:
- The Language Code identifier (LCID) for Breton, 0x047e=1150, was assigned to the Breton language by Microsoft in late 2006. A request was made in 2002 by An Drouizig, subsequently followed by Ofis ar Brezhoneg. It allows translation in Breton on any Microsoft Windows system or Microsoft products in general. The following page shows the Breton integration in Microsoft products.
- The Mozilla Foundation has officially welcomed Breton in its products, thanks to our long action followed by few individuals.
- Recognition of br-FR (Breton) and la-VA (Latin) locales by
- Recognition of three other languages of France (Tahitian, Shimaore, Kibushi) by
- Writing keyboard drivers for languages with specific diacritics (Esperanto). Other keyboard drivers have also been written, for Maore, Fulani or Ewe.
Other goals remain open or to be opened:
- The development of a computerized dictionary of synonyms for the Breton language.
- The development of a computerized dictionary of rhymes for the Breton language.
Do not hesitate to contact us:
- If you have translated software into Breton and do not know where to promote it.
- If you found a typo in our translations, or even big mistake, if you think you have a more judicious term...
- If you need advice on translating software or a tutorial
- If you want to write a tutorial
- If you want to organize a conference on our work,
- If you are happy to have a digital life in Breton with our work,
- If you do not understand our software,
- If you just want to say Hello!
- If you need or want...
An DROUIZIG, evit dazont ar brezhoneg...
You can know more on Wikipedia...