For LibreOffice or >3.0

With the help of Angelo Pagan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), updated on 02/2013 (handling of enclitics),

  • you can download the Latin dictionary dict_lam (with ligatures æÆœŒ).
  • you can download the Latin dictionary dict_lam_ae_oe (without ligatures).
  • or dict_la if you need the convention used in juridical texts: no i/j distinction and no use of œ and æ ligatures.
  • important: be sure to restart LibreOffice once you have installed the plugin (to activate it).

Beware: the following software was provided by third parties and may not work as expected as of January 2013.

For NeoOffice 3.0

  • download the file dic-la (thanks to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

For AbiWord 2.x under Windows


  • Download .hash and .aff files here